Tuesday, November 8, 2011


One technique I have learned through years of raising children is that you always want to present a child with a choice.  This makes the child feel empowered in their own life.  For example, when it is time to get dressed I will ask my children if they want to wear their red shirt or blue shirt.  Notice that putting a shirt on is not up for debate, but they do have the choice of color.  This type of framing is very powerful, not only with children, but with rational adults as well.

Although this technique can have a very positive effect on raising a child or in interpersonal relationships, it can absolutely destroy a healthy democracy. Throughout my entire life I was led to believe that there were only two political options to choose from.  Voting for any ‘small’ third party was considered a ‘waste of a vote’.  Most people I know will vote for the ‘lesser of two evils.’  They know that the candidate they are voting for is probably in it for himself, ‘but at least he isn’t the other guy’.  This type of mentality has led us to the point we are at today where neither political party has any bit of responsibility to their voters. In fact, they represent special interest groups and lobbyists right in public view.

It is essential in a healthy democracy to have independent media serving the role as political watchdog for the citizens, so we can be informed when politicians are being corrupted. This way, when politicians are not representing our interests, we can take action at the ballot box.  However, if you research the 'mass media' now, you will see the same special interests that lobby our politicians owning and funding their programming.  Therefore, it is only logical to conclude that the media's agenda would be for the benefit of those special interests. This agenda would be to put out a well-timed effort between pushing legislation and framing agendas for the public. 

Over the past 15 years I have seen this country slowly transform.  Thanks to social media like facebook and twitter, corporations no longer control all mediums of mass communication.  This mass decentralization has allowed other messages outside of the corporate agenda to reach the public’s ear.   For example, if you are reading this blog post you are living proof of the transition.  What I am seeing take place in society is a new paradigm starting to emerge that is not based on democrats versus republicans, but rather independent versus partisan politics. There are those that still engage in the American framed political spectrum and are still trying to decide between republicans and democrats. However, there is a growing community of empowered individuals that are not buying into the framework that is being presented by the main stream media.

So what can we do as individuals to help our culture evolve?  First, you have to stop engaging in partisan rhetoric and debate.  I know it is difficult when you see a Democrat or Republican on TV saying something you don’t agree with not to have a knee jerk reaction and engage in the debate, but we have to realize that even engaging in their talking points is enough to allow them to control the framework.  These kinds of manufactured talking points are what make this country easy to divide and conquer.  They will present talking points on social issues that are known to divide the country, such as healthcare, immigration, welfare, and many others.  The truth is that both parties agree on 99% percent of the policies, since they represent the same special interests.  So the public believes Democrats and Republicans hate each other when in fact they couldn’t be more in love.  Neither party could exist without the other and the appearance of choice.

The truth is that third party/ independent candidates do have more than a chance to win elections.  We have seen Jesse Ventura win the Governor race in Minnesota, we have seen Ross Perot make a legitimate run at the Presidency in the early 90’s, and so on.  It is our civic duty, on a daily basis, to maintain a healthy democracy and fight for our freedom.  We cannot relax for a minute because there are numerous well-funded interests trying to subvert our political representation on a federal and local level.   Talk to your neighbors, coworkers, friends, family, or anyone who will listen and spread the word that we will not engage in partisan politics any longer.  You will be surprised at how many people are already on the same page.  

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